The world as seen through the eyes of an exhausted, caffiene addicted, homeschooling, atheist mama.

About me

Pour yourself a mug of coffee, pull up a chair and come join me. But please excuse the rambling and incongruity that may will occur. This is my first time blogging and like most things I attempt in life, I just decided to jump in head first and hope I can swim (I’ll just conviently ignore the fact that I CAN’T swim).

As I’m sure you’ve intuited from the title of this brand spanking new blog, I’m a mom. There’s so much more than that though, and I’m hoping that this space will give me a way to organize my hats and roles (Hmmm Hats and Roles, now that’s a catchy blog name). I’ve been married for seven eleven years to a great guy and we have one son, who just turned six ten. Based on a series of stories he wrote when he was five, entitled “The Adventures of BoogerBoy and SnotMom, I will refer to my creative one as BB. I homeschool though really, that term is soooo misleading! We are rarely home and, in fact, BB looks forward to the weekends because we do so much less. But now that it’s starting to get hot out, I think we’ll start to slow down. My hobbies include reading, writing, baking, and cooking. I drool over Chocolate Therapy ice cream, chewy brownies, a good NY Strip steak, Johnny Depp and Alton Brown.

Mostly, I think this blog ‘o mine will be a place to talk about the wacky adventures BB, Hubby and I have, but I’m also hoping to be able to find the courage to write about the bad as well as the good. Specifically, reconciling the way I was raised with the way I am raising BB. I try very hard to do things differently but sometimes I still fear being like my mother. I’m sure there will be the occasional post about my struggles and desire to be a gentle and kind parent in spite of having been raised with anger and violence. In my journey to be the kind of parent I wish I had when I was a child, I’ve turned to an Attachment Parenting style of parenting. Oddly enough, I came to it before I knew there were others who did the same things or held the same ideals. I thought I was alone in nursing a toddler on demand, co-sleeping, and reveling being in his presence. I’m so glad to know that I’m not alone in these things after all, and that while I may not be 100% hard core “AP”, at least I don’t feel crazy for doing what feels right in my soul.

Please feel free to leave comments…Or not, as the case may be. I don’t want to come off as needy or desperate, after all! Regardless of whether or not you comment, I hope you enjoy. Now, would you mind passing the sugar?

Comments on: "About me" (10)

  1. Oooooo, nice!!!!!!! 😀
    Dannie, this will be a fun adventure . . .
    Your subtitle cracks me up . . . thanks for inviting me!

  2. This is great! I always thought you should write a blog! Can’t wait to read more from you….I like how it is looking too! 🙂

  3. You rock. Can’t wait to read more!

  4. Thanks, C, J, and R!

  5. Grandpa held to the pholosophy that everyone has a story. That is why he likes to gaze at the crowds in the mall when grandma shops. The age of the blog gives a voice to the elequent people with interesting stories such as you.

    keep on truckin!!

  6. patricia lopez said:

    Hi , we were introduced at jenifer De La Garza’s house.
    I think its wonderful that you have a higher moral intelagence than your mother and a good heart to regonize that you want to do better. My husband grew up the same way and is the best father a girl could have. A book I recomend is called Toxic parents, it help alot.

  7. Thank you Patricia!

  8. Saw you have started to follow my blog… I am grateful. I can now keep up with your adventures as a wife and mom 🙂

  9. momseyeview said:

    I’m really enjoying your blog. You take amazing photos 🙂

  10. I’m looking forward to reading more about your journey!

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