The world as seen through the eyes of an exhausted, caffiene addicted, homeschooling, atheist mama.

Posts tagged ‘water play’


Today was the first day the local “sprayground” was open.  What a fun place.  It’s located in a senior center (oops…a MULTIGENERATIONAL center) and kids of all ages can run around and get buckets of water poured on thier heads, run through mist, and play in an in-ground fountain. This is the third year I’ve been taking BB, and it’s a staple in our summertime activities.  Sometimes I don my bathing suit and join in the fun, but I’m not quite hot enough yet to justify looking like a giant sausage in a casing in public.  Maybe in another month I won’t care, but for now, NO WAY am I putting my bathing suit on!  I know that we’ll be going back at least once this week and probably at least twice a week for the next three months.  It’s the most fun .50 can buy!